Crossway is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Child safety is everyone’s responsibility and Crossway has zero tolerance of all forms of discrimination and child abuse.
As required by law and as an expression of our faith and concern for the wellbeing of children and young people, Crossway has a Child Protection Policy, a Code of Conduct and framework of procedures and processes that prioritise and protect children and young people.
Crossway recognises that empowerment, protection and participation are particularly important for children and young people who face additional vulnerabilities (such as Aboriginal children). We actively champion an inclusive culture where children’s unique identities and experiences are valued and celebrated.
Crossway’s commitment to child safety includes:
• staff and volunteer recruitment, screening and induction practices that emphasise child safety and wellbeing
• a Code of Conduct and training action plan that equips staff and volunteers with knowledge and skills around child safety
• easy to understand communication so children and young people are aware of their rights and feel supported to voice concerns and insights
• ways for children, families and the community to give feedback and report child safety complaints
• procedures to respond to allegations of child abuse
• regular reviews and improvements to the Child Protection Policy
It is Crossway’s practice to require ALL adult volunteers, not just those who work with children, to have a valid Working with Children Check.
Crossway has five Child Protection Officers (“CPOs”) – the Senior Pastor, the Children and Families Lead Pastor, the Director of Operations, the Director of Ministries and the LifeCare CEO.
The CPOs are available for consultation with any member of the Crossway community on matters of child safety and wellbeing.
A person who is experiencing or has experienced child abuse, or anyone has a reasonable belief that a child is, or may be, being abused by a member of the Crossway community is strongly encouraged to speak with a CPO or other Crossway staff member regarding the complaint/suspicion about the potential abuse.
Alternatively, complaints regarding child safety may be submitted online at
Action will be taken to contact appropriate relevant authorities (for example, the Police and the Commission for Children and Young People) and to access any required support services. Where appropriate, the child’s parent/guardian/carer may be made aware of the concern/complaint and the action(s) to be taken.
Crossway will treat all concerns/complaints with utmost respect and confidentiality.
For further information on Crossway’s Child Protection Policy, please contact the Director of Operations on 03 9886 3700 or
General feedback and suggestions may be submitted at
We use ChildSafe